If you are reading this post, you possibly have this idea in mind to redesign your website but you are not convinced of it.
There can be many reasons why you should redesign your website. Here we will discuss most obvious ones which may help you to take decision.
Website looks Outdated
There are many websites which still looks outdated. Even if you do not know much about web design, you can easily judge, website is attractive for modern standards or not. Website visitors generally do not trust outdated website and leave it if they found it out of date.
Website is not responsive and loading slowly
Most of the people access website on smartphones. Obviously, having a mobile optimized website is necessary nowadays. Search Engines also give ranking preference to mobile-optimized sites.
Similarly, it’s important that website should load quickly. People leave slow loading websites immediately. People leave a website which take long time to load.
Difficult to Navigate
Website should be easy to navigate. It should serve purpose of user who visited website.
It should be clear to user how can he take particular action and where he can find information regarding particular service.
Website is Not Flexible
Website must be flexible and easy to update. It should look same on all browsers and devices. A flexible website can easily accommodate any modification.
Website has traffic but the conversion is low
If you are not generating leads it may be related to website design. You can check bounce rate of your website to check how people spending time on a website. If bounce rate is very high and leads are very low, it is time to redesign your website. Adding CTAs in your pages can increase chances of converting a visitor to lead.
If you have “Yes” answer to any of these points in the list. Let’s talk.